Getting ready for the school day or work day can be hectic. And let’s be honest, it sucks. It’s hard enough somedays to get yourself up and going and now school is starting and you either have to get little people ready too and/or (if you don’t have kids) you still have to deal with that annoying school traffic again.
Now I know some of you are Mary Poppins in the morning. I swear my husband is. But I, I am more like a gremlin when it gets wet. It’s not pretty or pleasant. And my child has inherited this trait from me.
So, to help us all survive, the diffusers must be turned on the second I’m awake.
And I’ll be honest. 99% of the time the same oil goes in all 3-4 diffusers every time.
Citrus Fresh baby!
All the way(s) everyday!
It has such a bright invigorating aroma that you can’t help but crack a smile and feel better.
(Quick insight, it’s blend contains lemon, orange, tangerine, mandarin, grapefruit and spearmint, so basically happiness in a bottle.)
This is definitely an oil you want to have. Not only does it help you wake up and feel like your off to a great start, but because of each of the individual oils properties it can help you throughout the day just from using it in the morning.
By the time the kiddos are at school and you are at work, everyone’s creative brains may be functioning at higher levels, you may be more open to outside ideas and the prospect of having a mid-morning mental crash possibly are lowered.
I can tell you, they are for my munchkin and for me and the hubs.
Bonus: it’s a vitality line oil. So, as you’re getting water for everyone to take with them, or tea, (never tried it in coffee) you can place a drop there to help you even further into the morning.
Basically, get up, wake up, and get out that door and feel good about it.
Happy kids, happy parents, happy day.
I’ll be back soon!
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