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Showing posts from June 30, 2019

The time change struggle is real

The most dreaded time of year for me, and so many that I have talked too, has by far, come and gone. Spring Daylight Saving. Unfortunately, even though the day has passed and the time has sprung forward, the mass chaos it left in its wake seemingly will last until fall.  Just in time for the clocks to have to change again. It’s  hard enough for the average single, working busy woman to adjust to when the only thing they do is work and go home.  Then think about that seriously motivated single person who has an avid daily exercise routine, strict prepping and eating schedule, work, volunteer time and a personal life. Now, take that even a step further, and the person is married (or in a committed relationship) and has kids, fur or human, or both.  Now, they have everything already mentioned above, plus another adult's schedule and meals to tend to, children’s school and extracurricular activities and meals, dog parks and doggie daycare....the list is endle...